SCBWI Agent Panel – November 11, 2014


On a chilly Tuesday evening a few weeks ago in November, I attended an Agent Panel held by SCBWI NY Metro and The New School’s Writing for Children MFA program. Agents Suzie Townsend (New Leaf Literary), Heather Alexander (Pippin Properties), and Alex Slater (Trident Media Group) all spoke about their respective agencies, and shared their favorite tips on the craft of writing. With a pen in hand, I scribbled away as they talked. Going back over those notes, here are three things that I starred:

1.     Create the quiet moments that show your characters’ emotions. Don’t let swift pacing block the heart of your story. – Suzie Townsend 

2.     Always tease the reader, but never confuse them. – Alex Slater 

3.     Books that were discussed and are now on my “To-Read” Radar: Nightingale’s Nest by Nikki Loftin and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie.

I think it’s also worth mentioning that, amongst other words of wisdom, Heather Alexander took a moment to share Pippin Properties’ motto, which I have seen before on their website, and truly, truly love.

It is, “The world owes you nothing. You owe the world your best work.”

Cheers, to that! 
